Design and Production

Jan-Apr 2023
Motion Graphics by using Google Slide Animation

School Project
Nayeon Kim

Module Description: ‘Design and Production’ takes a critical approach towards the modes of production and reproduction that graphic designers employ and have come to accept as common, good, or best practice. This includes tools and practices that have come to shape and condition how we think and what we produce. While notions of traditions, conventions and practices can shape the mindset of any profession over generations—and graphic design is no exception—students are invited to critically examine, unpack and ‘break’ established tools, frameworks, methods, and/or techniques. The spirit of this exploration is open-ended and the point is not to arrive at a solution but rather, to develop questions and paths for ‘experimentation’ from within graphic design as a critical practitioner.

▸ Youtube Link

Project Brief: This project uses Google Slides animation to create basic motion graphics. Unlike major video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, the 'Transition' feature in Google Slides serves as a support for smoother presentations. By approaching design tools in an unconventional way, I could experiment and play with parameters, pushing the boundaries to find innovative solutions. The design ideas and aesthetics take inspiration from the works of Karel Martens and Na Kim.

Variables and Parameters